Saturday, 19 February 2011

Tree Guide

Hey famers, ever needed to know anything about your trees? Do you ever want to find out how many times you need to harvest a tree to master it? Then check out AberZombi&Flesh's guide over at the FarmVille forums

Now for some additional information that I came up with myself. I know some people like to know when they will finish masteries, I like to get an idea as then I know what trees I need to get a hold of. There are some simple sums that you can plug into Microsoft Excel to find this out.

The table in Excel will take up eight (A-H in Excel) columns and will go like this:

A) Tree name
B) Trees in orchard
C) Trees out of orchard
D) Mastery Per day
E) Total mastery
F) Mastery points already got
G) Days to master
H) Mastery date

Columns A, B, C, E and F do not need forumlas whereas the other columns do,

To find out A and B you'll have to count the amount of each type of tree you have on your farm. Remember to separate ones that are inside and outside orchards, unless they are two day trees in which case it doesn't matter. To find out the total harvests required for mastery use the guide I've linked you above, it will also tell you how many harvests are needed for each stage of tree mastery so this can help you work out how many mastery points you've already got for trees with one or two star mastery already achieved.

To work out the mastery per day enter: =B2/2+C2/N. The number N depends on how long a tree takes to become fully grown outside an orchard, if it takes three days then replace N with three and you will have the mastery points earned daily, don't worry if this doesn't turn out to be a whole number, that is quite usual and it doesn't matter at this stage.

To work out "Days to master" you must enter = (E2-F2)/D2 This will give you the amount of days until crop masteries are finished. You'll need to eliminate decimal points, to do so simply click the "decrease decimal" button.

To work out the date you will complete masteries on is a bit more complicated. Firstly enter =G2 + N. This will give you a number, to convert it into a date you have to expand the "number" tab and select "date" then which ever form of date display you wish. The N part is the complicated part as Excel reverts back to 1900, to change this you need to add in the amount of days between 1900 and the date you begin. There are 40593 days between 1900 and 2011, then add the amount of days that have already passed in 2011 and you should have the date that your tree mastery will finish on, as long as you don't add any more trees. But if you do you can always easily edit your chart by changing a few things.

Well I hope this helps people and if you need anything explained, just ask.

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