Finally! I have been campaigning for Zynga to introduce this for months now and am delighted to see it. They have finally organised gift box! I found the gift box very irritating as when it filled up with lots of items it became difficult to find them, now they all fit into the handy tabs ‘consumables’, ‘decorations’, ‘animals’ and ‘buildings’. You can also sell in bulk, which is great for when the SBDs produce useless items or you end up with 100 seedlings from your junk orchards! Zynga have also introduced a ‘search’ function. Which is great for finding a specific item that is at the back page!
Yet there is something that hasn’t been resolved though, the giftbox still returns to the first page when you use/sell/re-gift an item. But that’s about it, it looks better and works better! Which I think is fantastic, now if only they’d hurry up and organise the storage I’d love them as storage is in a far worse situation that the giftbox.
All I can say is good work Zynga, you’ve been trying hard recently in terms of user friendliness and for that I thank you!
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