It seems that recently there has been a great increase in the amount of scams that use Farmville as a way to get personal information. The scammers seem to be working their asses of in an attempt to trick people into giving away personal information. They're getting good at it too! It used to be that you could spot a scam a mile away and the only people who would fall for it were just ignorant! But now the scams look identical to real farmville posts and the only way to tell is if the app is not "onthefarm" when you check the link. But when you see a candy cane egg you're not going to wait, you're just going to click it the hope that you're the lucky person. One factor also is sometimes these scams use unreleased content so look out for that!
The easiest way to tell that you've clicked on a scam is that it asks you for permission to access you personal information etc. At this point simply close your tab or go back and block the app so it won't bother you again!
This is one of the newer scams, note the "onEthefarm" instead of "onthefarm". I always find a good site for finding out what the latest scam is so I can avoid clicking them. :)
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